Saturday, May 28, 2016

Whistling Gear

Pam, the artist, has outdone herself this time. She obtained some wormy chestnut some time back from Mike Clemmer, owner of Wood-N-Strings Dulcimer in Townsend, TN. Here is the exciting part: He obtained the wood LEGALLY from a cabin that was dismantled by Park Service in CADES COVE. Pam is going to find out more information about the cabin and I will add to this post when I get it, but in the meantime, I had to post the picture. Mike made some of the front faces of his dulcimers with this wormy chestnut, and Pam got a very small amount of some of his leftover wood and made six of these limited edition whistles. SOOOO, we are all going to be carrying around a little piece of history in the form of a whistle with us. Since the Chestnut has all but been wiped out by a fungus blight in The Great Smoky Mountains, this makes these whistles all the more special. Thank you Pam, whose creativity never ceases to amaze.

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