Thursday, April 7, 2016

Schoolhouse Gap Trail and Turkey pen Ridge Part 2 AND IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT

I just got these photos from Rod yesterday, and had to include them and tell the stories surrounding them. The previous several posts have our group split up for a short while, and this post covers a bit of what this blogger missed out on, which kills me. I like to be involved in it all. But alas, I have not yet completed my cloning project, so have to pick and choose ...
This part of the hike was completed by Rod, Pam and Chuck just shortly before Matthew and I blazed through, so we didn't get to experience it exactly the way they did. 

Rod's statement regarding this photo was, "We had a tough time crossing some obstacles!!" I recall feeling exactly how Pam looks in the picture, rather stuck; whereas Matthew practically hopped over the fallen tree. It's all in the length of leg ...

I believe they ran into these two ladies on Schoolhouse Gap Trail, before turning onto Turkey Pen Ridge. I remember seeing the lady to the right, but we were on a mission, which did not involve stopping! The lady in the right of the picture is Lynn Schmerber, with Trails Forever, a volunteer organization whose member's duties include hiking the trails to report problems to trail maintenance crews and other volunteers. Her companion on the left is Amy Logan.

Rod wanted to pass along some information that Lynn had requested to be posted in our blog, which I heartily second:


I am referring to driving in a vehicle in the Park. The Park is large, and many drivers have a particular destination in mind and don't really have time to lolly-gag behind a slowpoke rubbernecker taking photos every ten feet out of their car's sunroof. Yes, the drives are exquisite, beautiful scenery is everywhere and drivers don't even have to get out of cars to feel the beauty.

But it is maddening to be in a long line of cars following that one car from Virginia (you know who you are) going 10 mph UNDER the speed limit. AND passing turnoff after turnoff, where they could have stopped to take photos to their heart's content while the lineup of cars behind them was able to go by at the speed limit.

Pass this along ... whew! I feel better. 

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