Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chimney Tops

In the book Day Hikes of the Smokies, the Chimney Tops trail is listed in the "Strenuous Day Hikes" section. We had hiked it years ago when our children were small, but I didn't remember it at all. More recently, we had started the hike only to have to turn around about half way through so we could make it to a prior obligation on time.

We started out from a crowded parking lot. The six of us:

Nathan & Rebeccan in the red shirts, Rod & Pam to the right of the photo, and Heidi in the front and hubby Chuck in the middle.

We headed out on August 29, 2015 in upper 70 degree weather, hoping it would stay cool so we could hike in relative comfort. We weren't all that prepared. I didn't have hiking shoes or a backpack, although I could stuff everything in hubby's backpack. Hubby forgot his handkerchief that he wears religiously when he exercises. I can't speak for the others, but there was a shopping bag that someone carried to the top ...

At the top, instead of hiking across the peak of Chimney #1, we elected to go around the side, totally missing the sign that said "Do Not Hike Over Here" or some such wording. To get to the top involved a bit of rock climbing, although dear son Chase, not on this trip, would have probably called it bouldering. Rock climbing sounds more intense ...

We made it to the top, not sure what's so funny. Here is Chuck with his borrowed handkerchief, thanks to Rod ...

All of us at the top:

Nathan, being more adventurous than the rest of us, hiked over to the second chimney. Here you can see him at the peak:

I chose to descend the same way I ascended, although I think I chose a slightly different route, as it sure did look a lot steeper on the way down than it did on the way up. The rest of the group went across the top of the first chimney. Since I don't have pictures of that route, I would love for another in the group to write a post with their own pictures.

Our legs were feeling it on the way down ...

Looking at this picture you can see the route five of us took to get back down. The route I took was the right side of the chimney below.  The second chimney is obscured behind the first chimney shown here.

We made it down with plenty of time to get back to the cabin before dark. I can't say I didn't notice for the next several days that I'd hiked that trail.

So ... 2 miles down ... 900 some to go. Whew! Gotta start somewhere.

Shout-out to the other rest of our group ... post your pictures, I'm missing the ones we took when we arrived back in the parking lot and those taken on the way back from the top of the Chimneys.


Chimney Tops - 2 miles (I swear it was longer than that)
Total Mileage - 2 miles
Remaining Mileage - 900 + miles

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