Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ramsey Cascades Trail

On November 11, 2017, we went to the woods to celebrate the girl's birthdays, which happen at the same time every year, believe it or not, and are mere days apart. Several souls were craving the woods, stretching the muscles and relaxing the mind, so the birthdays were just a good excuse. But really, who needs an excuse to go to the Smoky's, AND it's been far too long since we've logged a hike. 

Ramsey Cascades Trail is one of the last short trails on our list, and since it's been closed for so long, we hadn't been able to go. For once, our pre-trip planning didn't change at the last minute, as it usually does. 

The trail to Ramsey Cascades is an in-and-out trail four miles in length. The beginning elevation is 2079 feet ending at 4288 feet at the falls, there being 2209 feet elevation change in four miles. 

The obligatory sign photo proving we were where we said we were ...

Middle Prong River

Several log bridges make for easy creek crossing, although we never did figure out which one had been damaged so badly that the trail had to be shut down. Anyone know?

Really enjoying the new long exposure feature on the iPhone. Makes for some really great photos.

Past mile two, there were giant tulip trees that had managed to survive the logging in the early 1900's. The trail was too steep and elevation too high to make it worth-while for the loggers. Always a treat to see a bit of virgin forest in the Smoky's. Pictures do not do these trees justice, they are very large.

Past mile 2.9 the trail becomes markedly steeper, rockier, rootier and narrower.

Resting, gearing up for the final ascent.

The falls could be heard before seen, and the anticipation built.

 Ramsey Cascades makes a spectacular show, falling 90 feet, and is the highest waterfall accessible by trail in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park

 The falls provided opportunity to sit and enjoy cooking unnaturally tasty noodles over the solo stove.


Snaky root, easily proving that trees can grow anywhere.

Going up ...

Going down, same section of trail.

Turkeys crossing the trail as we reached the parking lot. They flew over the river, which is an unusual sight to see.


Total Mileage hiked: 8 miles 
Mileage Added to 900 Mile Challenge: 4 miles
Total Miles Hiked Toward 900 Mile Challenge: 126.8
Total Miles Hiked in the Smoky's: 153.4 miles